Perinatal Care

Chiropractic care is one of the best ways tools to support both mom and baby during every stage of the pregnancy journey. Dr. Bailee is ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) webster certified and Birthfit doctor.  Dr. Bailee evaluates the pelvis often utilizing a neuro-tonal assessment to evaluate the muscles, bones, and ligaments in the pelvis.   Adjustments help release tension in the mom so the baby can move freely and get into the best position for birth. This allows for safer and easier births!

  • Back, hip, and pelvic pain
  • Pubic bone pain
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Numbness or tingling in extremities
  • Wrist pain
  • General musculoskeletal pain/discomfort
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Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica is a term used to describe lumbar radiculopathy. In pregnancy, we can stress the nerves that leave the lumbar spine. This stress may be due to the growing baby and expanding uterus putting pressure on your sciatic nerve this stress can cause sharp and stabbing pain that may travel to the buttocks or even down the leg. 

  • Pain radiating from the back into the hip and outer side of the leg
  • Leg Pain which is more common on the inner side of the thigh
  • Constant Pain
  • Lower back Pain
  • Weakness, Pain, numbness, or difficulty while moving the leg
  • Pain that is worse when sitting
  • Tingling sensation along the thigh and leg

At Rooted Living Charleston, we are firm believers that a healthy mama is vital to a healthy family. How can you possibly live your best life when you have a nagging pain? We empathize with how much pain can interfere with living your best life. We offer solutions to decrease symptoms and get to the root with natural solutions. 

Round Ligament Pain

Women have two ligaments that attach to either side of the uterus. The ligaments are there to support and add structure, by stretching and thickening. Round ligament pain may present at any time during pregnancy, however, it is most common in the second trimester as the baby continues to grow. The pain can be felt in the abdomen and hip, sometimes traveling to the groin. 

  • Sharp, jabbing sensations
  • Aches 
  • Cramping 
  • Pain when changing positions

At Rooted Living Charleston, we evaluate the muscles, ligaments, and bones in the pelvic region to make sure they are working together symmetrically. During pregnancy as the hormone relaxin is helping make space for the baby, round ligament pain may present on one side or both sides. At our clinic, we use chiropractic adjustments,  myofascial release technique, tapping, and functional movements to help support and ease round ligament pain as mom is growing and developing.

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Pubic Bone Pain:

Sciatica is a term used to describe lumbar radiculopathy. In pregnancy, we can stress the nerves that leave the lumbar spine. This stress may be due to the growing baby and expanding uterus putting pressure on your sciatic nerve this stress can cause sharp and stabbing pain that may travel to the buttocks or even down the leg. 

  • Pain and swelling in the pubic bone area
  • Pain in the perineum (the area between the anus and vagina)
  • Clicking sounds when moving legs 
  • Waddle Walk 
  • Sharp pain when changing positions such as: walking, getting dressed, getting in and out of the car, turning over in bed, climbing stairs 
  • Pain when coughing, sneezing, and straining in the pelvic region 
  • Pain can radiate into the area in the upper thighs

At Rooted Living Charleston, we are firm believers that a healthy mama is vital to a healthy family. How can you possibly live your best life when you have a nagging pain? We empathize with how much pain can interfere with living your best life. We offer solutions to decrease symptoms and get to the root with natural solutions. At our clinic, we use chiropractic adjustments,  myofascial release technique, tapping, and functional movements to help support and ease pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP) or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)pubic bone ligament pain as mom is growing and developing.

Wellness Care

Wellness care is our way to support you during all stages of your pregnancy journey from preconception to postpartum. The body is growing and changing we are there every step of the way. We provide chiropractic adjustments to make sure the body is free from interference. Dr. Bailee teaches Birthfit and breathing techniques to support our transitions and prepare for the motherhood transition. 

  • Reduce nervous system interference 
  • Balance pelvic bones, muscles, and ligaments 
  • Birthfit movements 
  • Holistic Solutions and conversations 

Birthfit is a program Dr. Bailee loves to incorporate inside and outside the office! BIRTHFIT is a lifestyle practice. It’s about humans of all different sizes, shapes, races, and religions taking responsibility for their bodies and owning their decisions. At the same time, they hold space and support one another’s decisions and journ

 We understand that every journey is different.  We serve as a safe and open space to offer a listening ear, educational tools, and safe movement patterns. The body is designed to move and carry loads we train functional movement patterns based on how we developed as kids!

Local Gym, Yoga Studio, or Moms Group Interested in hosting a collaborative class? Please contact us for more information, we love supporting our community!

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