Chiropractic Care for Kids

Safe, Gentle, and Effective for all ages. 

Birth Trauma

The journey of mom and baby into the world may accompany by several forces and pressures. A study by Viola Frymann demonstrated that 90 percent of newborns suffer effects of birth associated with neck and cranial areas through the birthing process.       

  1. Very Short Labor
  2. Very Long Labor 
  3. The use of Pitocin to strengthen or induce uterine contractions
  4. Pain Medications
  5. Restricted maternal positions
  6. Pulling or twisting on the head to deliver the infant’s body
  7. The use of forceps or vacuum extraction
  8. Cesarean Delivery 

At Rooted living, we believe in the body’s want and ability to heal. We evaluate and work with the body so the baby’s nervous system is able to grow and develop without interference and trauma. Health begins during pregnancy and birth.   

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Ear Infections

Ear infections are a symptom of inflammation in the middle ear. This inflammation can cause a fluid build-up that can cause quite a bit of discomfort in little ones.  This is a common condition, according to the NIH over 80 percent of children, toddlers, and infants will develop the condition called Otitis Media, this is what we refer to as the common ear infection. The pain and inflammation are caused by an overload of bacteria in the eustachian tubes. The swelling and fluid build-up does not allow the proper drainage pathways to continue.    

  • Changes in mood/mood swings
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Increase in Fussiness and Crying more often 
  • A sign of pulling tugging at the affected ear(s)
  • Difficulty detecting  low-decibel sounds
  • Parents may notice a pus-like fluid drains from the ear(s)
  • Fever may present especially for younger infants and toddlers. 
  • Children often experience pain in this ear. 
  • A feeling of excess pressure inside the ear
  • Difficulty Balancing 

Chiropractic care is a great treatment option for ear infections. Often the only intervention known is antibiotics, which may come with unwanted side effects. Especially in chronic cases. This cycle may seem endless, and we encourage our webinar ‘Raising Healthy Kids’ where we dive into the root causes even more. Chiropractic treatment has a long and successful track record for conservative and noninvasive treatments for ear infections. This relief is in the form of gentle and specific upper cervical care to allow the body to heal from the inside out


Many parents can feel a loss of hope and understanding during the breastfeeding process, especially if baby is fussy, inconsolable, and not breastfeeding well. The stress of a strong latch may inevitably place extra pressure on mom resulting in painful cracked and bleeding nipples. In the media world, we often are overwhelmed with thoughts about the symptoms without evaluation baby for physical limitations.

  • May not be due to mother’s technique, but rather alignment and tone of the baby causing abnormal function
  • Misalignment in the skull or spine usually caused by birth

We take a different approach to the evaluation of the symptom that presents with the struggle of breastfeeding. We love working with lactation consultants to help support mom’s technique. We look at the barriers that may be the underlying cause, these include the proper alignment of the skull, spinal cord, jaw, and palette. Our technique is a gentle and effective technique to support physical limitations. The evaluation of the proper function of structures allows us to be great team members in the support of breastfeeding. The physical, emotional, and neurological benefits of breastfeeding are undeniably beneficial.

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Come See Us Today

We look forward to listening to your story. 


Most frequent questions and answers

Adjustments for babies may look very different than your typical image of a chiropractic adjustment. Babies and children are still growing and developing their adjustments are gentle and designed to place the nervous system at ease.

Not all children are the same, we create care plans that take into account all aspects of the health history and future goals.